Meet Your SLSA Board of Director Candidates

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An election for 3 SLSA Director Positions will be held on December 1st, using a voting machine on Solace Dreams just outside the SLSA Clubhouse.
If you are an eligible voter, (you have competed in one of the last 6 events or volunteered in one of the last 3 events or are a hall of fame inductee), you will receive a notice when voting is open.

We sincerely wish to think each of the following candidates, that graciously and selflessly have chosen to stand for election on December 1st. Even before the election we should thank these candidates for their community spirit and willingness to serve.


I, Summer Amaranth (SummerRain Garnet) wish to add my name to the list of nominees for board of directors for December- May 2015. If I am elected, I am willing and able to accept the responsibilities that go along with being a member of the Board of Directors of the SLSA.

I am currently a co-capt with team Da Hui.

As you all know I hold a current Board of Director seat with the SLSA and if elected to carry on I will do my best to help see SLSA succeed to the best of my ability. I have enjoyed my time as a chair with the Board of Directors and enjoyed meeting new people and getting more involved.

My surfing journey started back in 2011, I was a lone surfer for a good awhile before coming into the SLSA a year ago. I compete in competitions when possible (hard for me to do both EC/surf at the moment) and I am also a trained EC, Marshal and Judge with the SLSA. I personally don’t care about ranking but would rather spend my time serving as the SLSA needs people to volunteer.

I feel like I bring good things here to the SLSA and would like to further serve if you all would have me..

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Summer Amaranth (summerrain garnet)
OK, so, I’m Missy Lovesu (missylovesu resident) and I am willing and able to serve as a director for a full term beginning December 1, 2014.

I am an enthusiastic but thoroughly mediocre surfer and a proud member of the T’ai Ch’i Zen Team. I have been in SL since September 2012, and am in my fourth season of SLSA competition. I spend a lot of time here and have a lot of wonderful friends and do all kinds of things to amuse myself in SL, but VERY high on the list is my participation in SLSA.

I have always had an interest in RL surfing and have some (very slight) RL experience, so when some friends introduced me to SL surfing, I immediately fell in love with it. I have truly enjoyed being part of the SL surfing community and would love to see it continue and grow.

On the negative side, I have never qualified to judge any competition and in between competitions, I tend to forget how to surf each board and have to relearn from more or less scratch, which goes a long way towards explaining the “thoroughly mediocre” portion of my relatively undistinguished SL surfing resume. :-)

My vision for SLSA — OK, well, number one, we should seriously consider eliminating management-speak cliches like “vision statements.” *laughing* More seriously, obviously our number one responsibility is making sure that the competitions take place and run as smoothely and fairly as possible. To that end, we need to guard against unnecessary drama, which I believe is a cancer that could kill the SLSA if it ever got out of control. Also, it is important that SLSA not only be run fairly and impartially, but also transparently enough so that anyone with an open mind can be confident of our integrity. As a Director, I would always keep that in mind.

So, if I became a Director, I don’t think it would be a disaster for SLSA, but if enough better qualified candidates stand for election, I will CHEERFULLY campaign for them. Thank you!
My name is Annie Panties or Jadeeast and i have been surfing since June of 2013. I am currently a Director having the responsibilities of HR and now Sponsors. I would like to run for re-election as i feel there is more i can assist with and contribute and learn. i belong to the Montego surf team and also have been trained as a Marshall. I am also looking forward to being trained as a Judge as this would give me a better perspective on what a judge looks for in a contest. I have signed up for the training. I have met many great people here and want to see SLSA do well here in the competitive climate as SL and give surfers what they need to have fun and compete.
My name is, Petra Xaris, and I’ve been a SLSA director for 3 terms. I can remember when I first decided to run, it was simply to help out and after almost 1 1/2 years of doing this job, I still feel the same way. I’m here to help in whatever way I can so that our organization keeps moving forward.

I love that we have tried to make the community more a part of some of the bigger decisions we’ve made in the last year. For example the decision to include the C-3 surfboard in competitions. I don’t think anyone would argue that as a community we made the right decision to include the C-3 surfboard in our comps. What a fun board and great comp we had at Bundy Reef this season!

And so, If you all would like me to stay on, I’ll do my best to help in whatever way I’m needed so that we may all enjoy our monthly comps as well as the other functions we have in our community.

I’m an independent surfer and not affiliated with any team or sim/product. I’m able to serve a six month term starting on December 1, 2014. Thank you for your consideration :)

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