Monthly Archives: July 2014

SLSA 2014 Season 2 Schedule Announced

SLSA+logo1The schedule for SLSA’s 2014 Season 2 has been announced:

Dates – August 16 & 23
Venue – Bluff Cove
Board – HP5
Wave – Maoli Freestyle 100M

Dates – September 13 & 20
Venue – Cape Marauder
Board – SSI shortboard
Wave – Maverick

Dates – October 11 & 18
Venue – Bundy Reef
Board – C3 v2 with Swell *
* C3 Tentative based upon approval by surf community.
* If C3 not approved then HP5 and Teahupoo will be used.

Dates – November 8 & 15
Venue – Lavender Moon
Board -SSI Longboard
Wave – Epic

Dates – December 6 & 13
Venue – Tsunami Beach
Board – LSD
Wave – Ultimate

* Updates may be required as the season progresses and is finalized.

I have asked whether Rezzer Boards will be mandatory or optional and will let you know as soon as I do. 🙂


Filed under News, Surfing Competition

Bluff Cove

I am soooo excited to announce the opening of a new surf sim. Bluff Cove is owned by Flynn Sheridan and me, and is inspired by a place Flynn surfed in his youth. We spent A LOT of time working on it and we hope that you will come and enjoy it. It is home to wave rider designs and us, of course, as well as, anyone that wants to come by. Although it is designed as primarily a surf sim, there are some hangout spots when you want just kick back and chat or enjoy the view. We hope you will come visit us soon. We are starting out with Maoli Freestyle and Fluff waves, but expect that to change up as the swell does. There are several SSi surfboards scattered about for you to use, a LSD rezzer, and more rezzers will be added soon. Join the Bluff Cove group to be kept apprised of the happenings on the beach. As the environment does in RL, there will be changes here and there… a few have already been made since I started taking pictures.


E komo mai


Sit back and watch the waves roll in

The peacocks are the unofficial welcoming committee.

The peacocks are the unofficial welcoming committee.


The seals will keep you company while you wait for just the right wave!


The cove is roughly “J” shaped allowing a diagonally running wave as well as one that is more traditional.


The terrace is home to wave rider designs.


Walk through the ravine from neighbor Bundy Reef. Also just a short hop from Chi (and Tai).

The view of the backside from Bundy Reef/Chi

The view of the backside from Bundy Reef/Chi


The view from the dandelion fields up on the bluff is amazing!


The largest hangout spot where you can play the guitar for friends…


… or just yourself. Lots of places to sit and you can even roast some marshmallows.


Another spot to hang and chill. Beverages provided free of charge. 🙂

Flynn playing Mother Nature and adjusting for optimal swell.

Flynn playing Mother Nature and adjusting for optimal swell.


Just a short walk from the shop down to the East beach.


Just like RL, the landscape is likely to grow and change.


wave rider designs


Just taking a rest outside the shop. Lots of walking, showing you all around. 😀


The path from the terrace down to the West beach.


The view from the other bluff.

Taking a breather

Taking a breather

Doesn't it just want to make you grab a board... there are even some laying around for you to borrow. :)

Doesn’t it just want to make you grab a board… there are even some laying around for you to borrow. Also look for rezzers coming soon. 🙂

Riding the waves

Riding the waves


You never know where our friend will show up.

Super huge thank you to Sally and Bobbi LaSalle, and to everyone who helped us get the sim open. Too many to name, but you know who you are and you are greatly appreciated. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Come see us soon. Kick back, grab a board, hang out, enjoy!

(One small note: The treehouse is our home and the only place that is off-limits. Please respect our privacy there. Thanks!)


Filed under From the Editors, Sim News