Meet the Candidates

SLSA+logo1The contenders have thrown their hats in the ring! As posted to the SLSA forums:

An election for 3 SLSA Director Positions will be held on June 1st, using a voting machine on Solace Dreams just outside the SLSA Clubhouse.
If you are an eligible voter, (you have competed in one of the last 6 events or volunteered in one of the last 3 events or are a hall of fame inductee), you will receive a notice when voting is open.

We sincerely wish to thank each of the following candidates, that graciously and selflessly have chosen to stand for election on June 1st.
Even before the election we should thank these candidates for their community spirit and willingness to serve.

* The candidates are listed in the order in which they were received *

Revlon Benoir
I am willing and able to serve the term

I own Encinitas and Surfer’s Point SIMs
I direct the San Diego Surf Club
I own Revolution Surf Tech
I own the Do It Yourself open source surf project
I own the Virtual Surf Review project
I am on the Surfari Surf RIders Team

My vision for the SLSA is an association free of politics and cronyism. It will be completely transparent and open to all members with equality for all.

As director I will respect the variances between SL and RL surfing not imposing my personal beliefs as director; instead I will focus on the current issues.


I, Summer Amaranth (SummerRain Garnet) wish to add my name to the list of nominees for board of directors for June-November 2014. If I am elected, I am willing and able to accept the responsibilities that go along with being a member of the Board of Directors of the SLSA.

I am currently a member of the Da Hui team.

I currently do not own or run any surf sim, or sell any products nor items here in Second Life.

My surfing journey started several years ago back in 2011, but I didn’t know of the SLSA or any other surfers. I have a tremendous love for the beach and all things involving the ocean so of course surfing called out to me. I surfed, alone and on my own before leaving SL for over a year to return last November. I started back surfing as soon as I returned and do almost daily since. Upon returning I have since found a home in surfing and within this community. Since joining SLSA I have competed in competitions (went on to the pro’s in two of them) and I am now a trained marshal.

If elected, I will continue to bring this community together, to help encourage both old and new surfers alike, keep communication open and have fun, that’s my vision for the SLSA. The best surfers out there are the ones having the most fun! I want surfing to have a strong sense of community and family, regardless of what team we are with. I am open minded, friendly, positive, passionate and willing to help anyone I can to achieve their goal. I also work well with others.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

Summer Amaranth (SummerRain Garnet)


Hello everyone, my name is Annie Panties or Jadeeast if you prefer, I am would like to be considered for a director position in SLSA. Those that know me can verify I am dedicated and loyal and willing to listen and voice my opinion for the good of the group and would like to continue to strengthen and enhance SLSA as those in the past have done.
I have been surfing since June of 2013 with team Montego and have been in Second Life for about 2 ½ years. Prior to here I was associated with Red Light Center, where I owned three clubs and managed many homes. In Second Life I am the commander of Bremusa Amazon tribe in Ancient World, a ninja warrior in Sengoku Japan and a raid leader.
I see a well-organized structure in SLSA and would like to continue making it strong and an ever-growing group for our experienced surfers and also an inviting center for new surfers wanting to learn and enjoy this great sport here also. Communication is always key and one of my strong points and I will use this to reach out for advice from experienced surfers and staff to continue to fortify the foundation here but also to bring in new additions and to teach and enhance the many interested in being a part of this great organization we call SLSA.


I’m Alvaro Pevensey, I’m willing and able to commit my time and serve a full term. I’m a member of Team Da Hui, I don’t own any products, any sims or stores, I just love to surf.

I started surfing around the start of 2009, On Mori. Have surfed on most surf sims that have come and gone since then. I started competing last season, the second of 2012 and absolutely loved it. I served a term as director last year (2013). My wife Sarah and I are fully commited to the surfing community. I see the SLSA as a link between us all, keeping surf alive and helping others to love surfing for the sake of surfing. I’m a canadian, proudly a real life Great Lakes surfer, (as crazy as some might think that is), living in Toronto, I’ve worked in advertising all my life, I’m fully bilingual, english/spanish, and would like to contribute with that to the SLSA and all its members, current and all new members we might turn to the dark side… :P

That’s about it, thank you.

– Alvaro


I, Petra Xaris, am willing and able to dedicate a 6 month term from June to November 2014, to serve as SLSA director.

I am not a member of a team nor am I affiliated with a product or own a sim.

I’ve been surfing in SL since November 2011. It has been THE most fun activity I’ve found in SL. When I joined SLSA as a surfer, I never guessed it would lead me to being a director. It’s been an interesting year for me and overall has been a good experience. I’ve had so much fun introducing new people to surfing and have made so many friends along the way. My 2nd term is ending and I would love to serve a 3rd. I really do like helping out so we can continue to have fun competitions for all to enjoy.

My vision for SLSA is to continue on in a positive direction with the hope we may all come together as a united family/community, be encouraging to one another and to simply enjoy the fun and love of surfing. Thank you for considering me as a candidate again!

Petra :)


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